Aditya Bidikar

Aditya Bidikar is a comic-book letterer and occasional writer based in India.

STATUS / A late start to the day – I overslept, partly because I’d been running on less-than-normal sleep for a few days. I also started working out properly again yesterday, since my back is doing well.

ON THE DESK / Yesterday was scattered – all revisions and deliveries. Today I’m working on The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #12 and the back half of Robin #4.

READING / Still on Fever House and Debt: The First 5,000 Years. In comics, I’ve been reading Brian Bendis’s run on X-Men.

WATCHING / Last few episodes of Ripley left. I abandoned Extraordinary season 2 midway because it wasn’t doing it for me. Might finish it at a later date. I subscribed to the BBC Player channel on Amazon Prime today, and started watching Sally Wainwright’s Happy Valley. Great first episode. I’ve been listening to Tansy Gardam’s latest Going Overboard series of podcasts, so started rewatching the first Pirates of the Caribbean film to go with it. Will be watching this one in instalments.

LINKS / A woman who left society to live with bears weighs in on “man or bear” / There is way too much serendipity / Talking things: Aadhar / A photo-essay on the Indian political atmosphere on the 2,900-km Thirukkural Express / Composing and inking a street scene by Marcos Mateu-Mestre

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