STATUS / I kept being woken up last night by what I thought was my cat Loki’s plaintive whining, but it was someone else’s cat. Loki’s fine, sunning himself in the early morning daylight as I write this in the kitchen. It’s my dad’s birthday, so my sister and family will be visiting in the evening.
ON THE DESK / Nothing incoming today, and outgoing is just revisions on w0rldtr33 #10, so I’m spending some time working on the next font. Time to dust off CODENAME SEASIDE and start landing that outline as well.
READING / Wrapped up John McPhee’s Draft No. 4 last night. Now wavering between Entangled Life, a book by Merlin Sheldrake about mushrooms, and Annie Jacobsen’s Nuclear War: A Scenario, which everyone’s been talking about since Denis Villeneuve said he wants to direct it. Continuing my big Krakoa X-Men read after a short break.
WATCHING / Watched the second episode of Ripley last night, so we’re on episode 3 of both that and Supersex. I had no idea what to expect from Andrew Scott in this because I thought he was terrible as Moriarty in Sherlock, and Hot Priest from Fleabag, while a great character, didn’t lean on his performance much. But I’m astonished here by how subtle and deep his rendition of Tom Ripley is. Loving it.
LINKS / Tegan O’Neil – How we will read Cerebus Part 1 & Part 2 / No one buys books / Salman Rushdie on Jon Stewart / The man who killed Google search