This is a couple of days later than I’d like, but I was under the weather again this week.
Anyway …
(more…)Aditya Bidikar is a comic-book letterer and occasional writer based in India.
This is a couple of days later than I’d like, but I was under the weather again this week.
Anyway …
(more…)As mentioned, there was no newsletter last week, since I was in Goa with some friends, and as much as I love you folks on the Internet, I had no desire to hole up in the Airbnb and type while my friends were out having fun.
(more…)After the eventful weather of last week, it’s been pleasant to have a week with not much incident. I had to stay home last weekend because of the weather, so I wrapped up my work for the week on Wednesday to spend time with K.
(more…)It’s been an interesting week here in India. For one, Pune has been bombarded by torrential rains all of last week, which is usual after a cyclone hits the east coast of India, as Remal did at the end of May.
Things came to a head on Saturday, when Pune had the worst rainfall it’s seen in June since 1991. Several parts of Pune were flooded, a friend was stuck in traffic for four hours getting home, my parents’ house flooded (only a bit, thankfully), and a video went viral of a man floating down a busy road on a foam mattress.
(more…)It’s been a nice week at Casa Bidikar.
I’ve finally started working out regularly again. I’d been waiting for my various chronic pains to recede enough, and I’d got myself a gym membership at the beginning of the month, but it took a while to find the bandwidth and motivation to start going regularly. My aim is to hit two functional training days and two cardio days per week minimum, and anything above that is gravy.
(more…)STATUS / A late start to the day – I overslept, partly because I’d been running on less-than-normal sleep for a few days. I also started working out properly again yesterday, since my back is doing well.
ON THE DESK / Yesterday was scattered – all revisions and deliveries. Today I’m working on The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #12 and the back half of Robin #4.
(more…)After a very hot first half of the month, May has settled into surprisingly pleasant weather here in Pune – I don’t know if I can fully trust this weather, since our “summer” has had two weeks of daily rain. We might be about to have a strange mixed monsoon/late summer that we’ll encounter in a few weeks. Climate change!
(more…)The other day, I read Annie Mueller’s notes on the book Finite and Infinite Games by James P. Carse, and a couple of things stood out to me.
(more…)STATUS / Had a busy but nice weekend (no work – I’ve been very strict about not working weekends ever since I started freelancing eight years ago). Had a slow, lazy start today.
ON THE DESK / Not much lettering work today – making headway on Robin #4, plus I have to wrap up the SFX for w0rldtr33 #11 (we employ an unusual method by which I send Jordie just the SFX and she pastes them into the art and colours them along with everything else). Other than that, a few deliveries and emails.
(more…)STATUS / Had been pretty knocked out by painkillers and antibiotics till yesterday – getting back to normal today, so finishing up a bunch of pending work.
ON THE DESK / Lots of revisions – The One Hand #5, The Department of Truth #23, checking on final proofs for Spectregraph #2. Styles for the new book, and finally making some headway on Robin #4.