Aditya Bidikar

Aditya Bidikar is a comic-book letterer and occasional writer based in India.

I haven’t written here in a few weeks – I was working on the next Weeknotes (Weeknotes 29 – for reference, we’re now in Week 33), and I wanted to post an update here for anyone who hasn’t seen it on BlueSky (so, a whole lot of you, most likely).

I stalled out because my dad got sick. And then he got sicker, and we had to take him into hospital, into intensive care. On 1st August (in an act of dramatic irony from the universe, the day after my 39th birthday), he passed away.

I’ll be writing more about this in the coming weeks as I feel up to it – it has been a defining experience, and something I’ll be slowly trying to get my arms around. I also feel the blog will change in the future – there was a time when I would have blogged through such a huge thing in my life, and it would’ve been a centring device, but the current format didn’t allow it.

Anyway, this isn’t our usual full-length blog/newsletter, but it was an important moment to mark with people who have chosen to hear from me.

I wrote this today because we did dad’s 12th day ceremony today, bidding him a final goodbye. Sometime later this week, I’m meeting up with a few friends who have lost their fathers before me, and we’ll have some “welcome to the club” drinks, if you’re wondering how my friends and I deal with stuff like this.

More later.

  1. DC avatar

    Lots of love ❤️

    You know where to reach us. Always

    1. Aditya Bidikar avatar
      Aditya Bidikar

      Thank you so much, DC! ❤️

  2. Asfaq avatar

    Terribly sorry for your loss, Aditya

    1. Aditya Bidikar avatar
      Aditya Bidikar

      Thank you, Asfaq.

  3. Sunando avatar

    Condolences and much love. Take care, dude.

  4. Ravi Ananthan avatar
    Ravi Ananthan

    Strength to you, brother. Take care.

    1. Aditya Bidikar avatar
      Aditya Bidikar

      Thank you so much, Ravi.

  5. Wendy Levin avatar
    Wendy Levin

    Condolences. Wishing you and your family the best as you grieve.

    1. Aditya Bidikar avatar
      Aditya Bidikar

      Thank you, Wendy.

  6. Edward Kane avatar
    Edward Kane

    Very sorry to hear about your loss. Sending you love and strength.

    1. Aditya Bidikar avatar
      Aditya Bidikar

      Thank you so much.

  7. Elizabeth Sandifer avatar

    I lost my father a week or so before my fortieth birthday. It’s an astonishingly heavy thing—a ragged and bloody tear between before and after. My deepest sympathies and condolences. I hope that the world lets you find the considerable space and time needed to heal.

    1. Aditya Bidikar avatar
      Aditya Bidikar

      Thank you so much, El. I remember reading your essay on your father’s passing and appreciate how thoughtful and vulnerable it was. I thought I was prepared for this, since my dad had been sick for ten years, but no, a ragged and bloody tear, as you say. Thank you so much for your message. Much love.

  8. Ritesh avatar

    Take care, my friend. All the love to you and your family.

    1. Aditya Bidikar avatar
      Aditya Bidikar

      Thanks man. Appreciate it. ❤️

  9. Ganzeer avatar

    My deepest condolences, Adi. Hang in there.

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