Aditya Bidikar

Aditya Bidikar is a comic-book letterer and occasional writer based in India.

Category: Updates

  • Status Update / 2023 / Week 37

    When I last did one of these – sheesh, three months ago – I was writing them to figure out how I wanted to use the blog.

    I feel closer to having it sorted out – it’s a good place to do series of posts about the same thought, for example, and post half-formed thoughts that you don’t particularly feel like following up on.

    But once I stopped doing these updates, I realised they can fulfil a function other posts won’t. I don’t want to do dedicated posts with publishing updates – social media is better for that, since it’s far more “real time”, and a blog post on those lines would be instantly dated – and I have no place to self-indulgently talk about what I’ve been up to in life.

    So that’s going to be the purpose of these going forward.

  • Is Writing Optional?

    Due to many factors, including some physical ones, I’ve had to step away from doing much work in June – particularly in the back half.

    In that time, I’ve been working on this outline for a comics mini-series (a four-issue horror story that I’ve codenamed SEASIDE). As I’ve written before, I finished around 80% of this before I stopped working on it, and only started back up in the last week of June.

    In the meantime, I wrote two comics scripts and several blog posts and essays, so it’s not like I haven’t been writing. It’s more that I haven’t wanted to … take up space.

  • Status Update / 2023 / Week 27

    First week of July.

    I have a habit of thinking back on my life twice a year – towards the end of the year, and in July, around my birthday. These are both arbitrary times to do this – I suppose ideally one should be thinking deeply about one’s life all the time – but it’s good to have mile markers where you can check if you’re headed in the right direction and if you need to make any adjustments.

  • Status Update / 2023 / Week 26

    That’s half the year done! Wow, we made it.

    It’s Saturday afternoon, and I’m on my second cup of coffee. I usually drink only two cups of coffee a day – at noon and 6 p.m. – because historically, my body has had a low tolerance for caffeine, but I just like coffee so much that I decided to experiment with adding one more cup at 3 p.m. Doing this might turn me into a jittery, overemotional mess, but we’ll get through it together, won’t we?

  • Status Update / 2023 / Week 25


    Here’s what I’m trying to do.

    I’ve said many times over that I want to use my blog more, so I want to start doing that. All the stuff that I naturally post on Twitter? Let’s see if it can go here. I want to live here again, if I can.

  • More Thoughts on Failure

    Last week, I wrote a fairly detailed newsletter on how intentional failure is a big part of learning how to do something. Trying, failing and integrating the failure into your process is how one learns to do anything as an adult.

    Writing that essay got me thinking about things other than drawing, and I realised that while I’ve been able to fail purposefully in drawing, there was another creative venture that had stalled out because I was – it was becoming obvious as I thought about this – afraid to fail.

  • The Monkey Man of Delhi

    If you’ve been following me on Twitter or through my newsletter, you might know that I’ve been writing a lot more these days, and particularly trying my hand at writing my own comics.

    In that vein, I am extremely proud to present to you, a short comic written and lettered by me, with art by my friend and constant colleague Anand RK:

    “The Monkey Man of Delhi” – a True Weird tale, presented to you by James Tynion IV and edited by Greg Lockard. (You need a paid subscription to read this.)

  • Introduction

    An introduction to the blog, that is. If you need an introduction to me, this is the place to go.

    The Short Version

    Here’s the TL:DR on this: Social media is exhausting, newsletters feel intrusive outside of very specific stuff, and I missed having my own space. So … this is going to my primary online residence for the next little duration. A good old-fashioned blog. I’ll still be on Twitter a bunch, but more of it will redirect here than before.
