(I started writing this on 30th December, and wrote most of it by the 31st, before finishing it on 4th January, so we’re going to count this as a late 2024 newsletter rather than the first 2025 newsletter.)
Last one of the year. I’m writing this while on vacation with a few of my friends. We’ve been to Hyderabad and Santiniketan, and are now relaxing together in Kolkata, where I used to live in a different decade and a different life.
I’ve been struggling with writing this blogpost for the last few weeks. I want to start properly posting on the blog again (sure, I’ve postedsometopicalposts, but it’s been nothing like my old routine), but I do want to catch folks up on what I’ve been up to, and that’s been … a whole lot of stuff.
This one’s coming to you folks much later than I’d intended, but it’s been a busy month.
Nearly a month ago, Goats Flying Press launched a Kickstarter campaign for the original graphic novel The Fables of Erlking Wood, by Juni Ba and myself.
I’d hoped to be back to blogging for a bit before this post happened, so it’d feel less like it came out of nowhere, but … for the last few months I’ve been teasing something big happening with work, and this Wednesday, it was announced –
Along with colourist/writer Jordie Bellaire, I will be part of the inaugural class of Tiny Onion’s brand new Artists in Residence program.
Hello, the Internet! It’s Saturday afternoon, and K has forbidden me from humming “Voodoo Mama” from the Babylon soundtrack because it’ll inevitably get stuck in her head and she’ll keep wracking her brain about where it’s from. So instead, you can listen to it:
I’m writing this from my other favourite café – the one where I’m friends with the owners. One of them had just come back from a coffee conference, and gave me a packet of coffee to take home, and made me a delicious pourover of an as-yet-unlaunched coffee.