STATUS / Slow start to the day, because of the work mentioned below.
I’ve got a dentist’s appointment in the evening which I’m dreading – an extraction. But on the other hand, I had to check my blood sugar levels for the surgery, and they’re within normal range, which is a great win as a diabetic.
ON THE DESK / From a relaxed start, yesterday ended up being a mad scramble day as we tried to put four books to bed.
Today’s better – style options for a new book, and some work on the font, and then maybe I’ll get back to Robin #4 if I feel like it.
READING / I’ve been abandoning books left-right-and-centre at the moment, but Reign of Terror continues to be a great listen, and I’ve decided to go back to Dopamine Nation and finish it, since I’ve been talking to friends about therapy recently.
WATCHING / Final episode of Baby Reindeer left – I was sorely tempted to barrel through the final two episodes together, but as I mentioned in my last Weeknotes, I decided a few years ago not to do that, and I try very hard to keep to it. I’m determined to watch a movie today.
LINKS / Medicine for the people / Jesse Hamm’s history of American comics