In January, I read 3 prose books, 1 play, 5 comics, watched 13 movies (including 2 short films), and 2 seasons of television. The dearth of movies and tv are explicable – I have to be out of the house a lot these days, and I refuse to watch anything more involved than a YouTube video essay on my laptop or (god forbid) my phone. I would like to be reading more novels, though, and more difficult ones, if possible.
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2025 / #04: You Just Like Good Movies
A Brief Note on Fandom -
2025 / #03: Connections
Comics Newsletters/Blogs -
2025 / #02: Lynchian
New books
RIP David Lynch -
2025 / #01: Kindnesses
Resurrection Man: Quantum Karma
Just Enough Kindness -
How Lucky, to Have Been (A Personal Reflection on Ice Cream Man #18)
Note: This essay was originally published in August 2020, in PanelxPanel #37, which was the Ice Cream Man special issue. I contributed a lot of articles to the early issues of PxP, partly because Hass is a friend, and partly because he would let me write whatever I wanted to.
This one came about because of another friend, Deniz Camp, who told me that I should read Ice Cream Man #18 because he thought I’d like it. So I read it, and it broke me. To say I “liked” it would be an understatement, because it was and remains the only comic that inspired me to write a fan letter to its creator to let them know how I felt about it.
I had meant to republish this one to my blog for a while, but my dad passed some months ago, in August 2024, so it feels like this is the time to place it in front of the public, in his memory. It remains the most personal non-fiction thing I’ve written.
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Weeknotes / 2024 / Week 52: Season Finale
(I started writing this on 30th December, and wrote most of it by the 31st, before finishing it on 4th January, so we’re going to count this as a late 2024 newsletter rather than the first 2025 newsletter.)
Last one of the year. I’m writing this while on vacation with a few of my friends. We’ve been to Hyderabad and Santiniketan, and are now relaxing together in Kolkata, where I used to live in a different decade and a different life.
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Reading & Film Round-Up July-November
I’m doing this, as mentioned in the previous post, to wipe the slate clean for next year, and to have an accurate count of how much I read and watched this year.
To that end, some of these capsule reviews will be just a sentence or two, and some will be longer. On occasion, when I had written a longer note on something that I didn’t end up posting, I’ve flagged that.
Nevertheless, this is very long. I wouldn’t blame you for just skipping it. This one’s more for me than for you. Therefore, I won’t be sending this as a newsletter either, but I’ll link to it in the next one.
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What I’ve Been Up To
I’ve been struggling with writing this blogpost for the last few weeks. I want to start properly posting on the blog again (sure, I’ve posted some topical posts, but it’s been nothing like my old routine), but I do want to catch folks up on what I’ve been up to, and that’s been … a whole lot of stuff.
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The Fables of Erlking Wood
This one’s coming to you folks much later than I’d intended, but it’s been a busy month.
Nearly a month ago, Goats Flying Press launched a Kickstarter campaign for the original graphic novel The Fables of Erlking Wood, by Juni Ba and myself.